Auto-enrolment rules
Can my employer delay my enrolment date?
Although your employer can’t change its staging date, it can delay the date it intends to enrol you into …
What must my employer do under the automatic enrolment rules?
After you’ve been enrolled into your employer’s workplace pension scheme, your employer must: pay at least the minimum contributions due to the …
What penalties are there if my employer doesn’t comply?
The Pensions Regulator is responsible for ensuring compliance with the automatic enrolment legislation; where there’s a breach it’ll initially …
What do I do if my employer doesn’t comply with its automatic enrolment duties?
Every employer has been given a specific date by which they needed to comply with these duties. You should first contact …
Payments haven’t been made to my workplace pension scheme. What do I do?
If your employer hasn’t: made the payment to your pension scheme that they’re required to make, or passed the contribution …
My employer hasn’t passed money deducted from my wages to you – how do you rectify this?
If your employer is behind with payments, we’ll initially get in touch with them to let them know that …
Is there anything I can do if I’m concerned about my employer making late contributions into my pension pot?
Your first step (and probably the most effective) is to discuss your concerns with your employer. If this is …
Does the three-year re-enrolment process start from the employer’s staging date or from when the member is initially enrolled?
The 3-year re-enrolment process is based on the employer’s staging/duties start/previous re-enrolment date. The employer can vary the date by …
I’ve changed jobs. How do I arrange for contributions to go into my pension pot?
Your employer is responsible for enrolling you into the workplace pension scheme that they use. However, the provider may not …
I’m employed by an agency. Do I need to be auto-enrolled?
In most cases the answer to this question will be yes. If you have a contract to perform work or …