Bereavement claims

What happens to the money in my flexi-access drawdown account if I die?

You can nominate someone to be considered to receive your pension savings if you die – called your ‘beneficiary’. If …

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My partner has died, when will I receive his/her death benefits?

We can’t put a timescale on processing death claims as each claim is viewed on an individual basis. This depends …

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Where can I find a beneficiary form?

You can download a beneficiary form. You’ll need to fill it in and send to: Freepost THE PEOPLES PENSION Manor …

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Where does my pension go if I die before I retire?

You can make sure your loved ones and/or a favourite charity receives your retirement savings if you die before you …

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Is tax payable on a death claim?

If you die before you’re 75, your beneficiaries can normally receive your pension savings as a tax-free lump sum, as …

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Are there any time limits that death lump sum benefits need to be distributed by?

There are no time limits as such. However, if you die before age 75, HM Revenue & Customs state that …

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How do I nominate a beneficiary?

It’s simple to do. Just log in to your online account and fill in the details. And if your circumstances …

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If I die and haven’t completed a beneficiary form, what would happen to my pot?

It helps the Trustee if you nominate a beneficiary as they’ll know who you’d like to be considered for payment …

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What happens to my pension pot if I die?

You can make sure your loved ones and/or a favourite charity receives your retirement savings if you die before you …

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I’ve named a beneficiary but I’ve been told that my nomination isn’t legally binding on the Trustee. If the Trustee decides not to pay out my pot to my beneficiary, who else would they pay it out to?

The payment of a fund on death is at the absolute discretion of the Trustee. In the event of your …

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