Small pot lump sums
I’ve transferred a pension pot into your scheme, does a certain amount of time need to pass before I can take a small pot lump sum?
If the transfer was over 5 years ago, we can pay the lump sum. If the transfer to us was …
Can I access my pension pot tax free if I’m a non-taxpayer?
You have the option to take usually 25% of the pension pot as tax-free cash. The remainder is added to …
I’ve confirmed on your claim form that I’m a controlling director of an employer using The People’s Pension, or connected to such a person. Can I claim a small cash lump sum?
Anyone who is a controlling director of an employer using The People’s Pension, or connected to a controlling director (such …
I’ve only got £200 in my pension pot – how do I cash it in?
If you’re over your normal minimum pension age, and have £10,000 or less saved in your pension pot when you …
My employer has gone into administration, can I take a small pot lump sum?
Under HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) rules, no benefits can remain in an occupational pension scheme (such as The People’s …
I was going to claim a small pot lump sum but the fund value has just gone over £10,000. What can I do?
Under the rules, a small pot lump sum must be £10,000 or less. If it’s over £10,000, you could take …
What’s a small pot lump sum and how many of them can I take?
If you have £10,000 or less in your pension pot and you want to take it all in one go …
How do I take my pension savings as a small pot lump sum?
Don’t forget, hasty decisions about your pension savings could have an impact on your future. If you’re looking for advice, …