Claiming your pension pot

How do I access my pension pot online?

You can access your pension money online in your account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a summary table for …

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What details do I need to know to take my pension pot online, and where can I find them?

When requesting to take your pension money online, you’ll need to answer a series of questions. You’ll also need to …

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I’m not confident using a computer or don’t have access to a computer, how can I access my pension money?

If you don’t have a computer, you could request to take your pension money on a tablet or smartphone by …

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Are there charges for withdrawing my pension savings?

No. We don’t charge if you decide to access your pension pot. To get the most from your pension when …

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What happens when I reach retirement age?

We’ll write to you 6 months before you reach your selected retirement age. Our pack will explain what options you …

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What documents do you need to prove my bank account?

Anti-money laundering requirements mean that we require evidence of your bank account ie a copy of a bank statement (PDF …

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How much tax will I pay on my pension?

If you choose to withdraw some or all of your pension fund as a lump sum, the first 25% will …

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When can I take my pension?

Under HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) rules, pension savings cannot normally be taken until your normal minimum pension age. If …

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Can I change my selected retirement age?

With The People’s Pension you can change your selected retirement age as long as it is your  normal minimum pension …

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Can I delay accessing my pension pot?

Yes, if you don’t want to take an income or lump sum from your pension pot – for example, if …

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