Can I change my selected retirement age?

With The People’s Pension you can change your selected retirement age as long as it is your  normal minimum pension age or older – just log in to your account online or our mobile app to let us know. That way we can manage how your pension savings are invested appropriately.

If you don’t want to take an income or lump sum from your pension pot – for example, if you’re still working or you have income from elsewhere – you can keep your retirement savings invested with us and make your choices later.

If you carry on working, you can still contribute to your pension, allowing your pension pot to potentially carry on growing. Depending on whether investments go up or down, this means there could be more money available when you decide to take it.

Please note that if you’re in the glidepath phase, and you decide to delay accessing your money, your pension savings will be moved further back on the glidepath. So more of your money will be put back into higher risk funds, as you’ve longer to go until you need to access your pension pot.

To move your retirement date back with The People’s Pension, log into your account, our mobile app or contact us.

You can also defer taking your State Pension and then be eligible to claim more in the future. For example, if you’re eligible to get the full State Pension of £11,502.40 a year, but you put off claiming it for a year, this figure will be increased by an extra 5.8% a year when you start to claim. For more information see

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