The People’s Pension – the flexible choice
Join the 100,000+ businesses already with The People’s Pension.
Get startedDid you know, we’re
Trusted by *100,000+ employers and 6.5 million+ savers
Pensions experts with *30+ years’ experience
Given back *£1.5+ million to savers in rebates on our charge each month
Compatible with leading software providers
It’s easy – we’ll support you to get up and running
*All figures correct as of June 2024.
I'm ready to sign up
If you’re ready to sign up you can start the process today.
I'm ready to switch
Email us at and we’ll get back to you, or call 0333 230 1312.
Got any questions?
If you need to speak to us, you can:
0333 230 1379 (select option 6)
We’re right for your employees too:
- Value for money – our rebate means the more they save with us, the less they pay in charges.
- Good investment solutions – our default fund is MSCI AA rated which means it’s an ‘ESG Leader’.
- Easy to manage online – every saver has an Online Account.
- Exclusive member rewards – discounts and deals to help your staff save more.
Need more information to make your decision?
Got any questions?
If you need to speak to us, you can:
0333 230 1379 (select option 6)
Support for advisers
We’ll work with you to understand a client’s needs. Read our guide, ‘Moving your client’s workplace pension scheme’ for more on switching to us.
For trust-based schemes:
- ‘The road to good governance‘ guide
- Our webpage on consolidating trust-based occupational pensions
Sign up or switch/consolidate today
I'm ready to sign up
If you’re ready to sign up you can start the process today.
I'm ready to switch
Email us at and we’ll get back to you, or call 0333 230 1312.
Got any questions?
If you need to speak to us, you can:
0333 230 1379 (select option 6)
Are you a member of The People’s Pension?
Check out our webpage on transferring your pensions.