Information in other languages
We’ve translated some key information for our members into Polish, Romanian and Spanish.
Key documents in other languages
If you need a key document in another language that we don’t already provide, please call us on 0333 230 1399 or contact us on our web form.
Polish (Polski)
Member booklet (Dodatkowe informacje) – Information about The People’s Pension
Your options at retirement booklet (Twoje opcje na emeryturze) – Retirement options when taking pension savings with B&CE
Security of your savings (Bezpieczeństwo oszczędności) – Information on how your personal account and savings are kept secure
Joiner letter (net) (Witamy w programie The People’s Pension!) – Sample letter for new members (with tax relief) when they’ve been automatically enrolled
Please note, the actual joiner letter (or email) members receive from us will be tailored based on their eligibility criteria, and the tax relief method their employer has chosen. For example, this sample letter is based on a member whose pension is taxed based on the net tax basis.
Joiner letter (gross) (Witamy w programie The People’s Pension!) – Sample letter for new members when they’ve been automatically enrolled into The People’s Pension
Please note, the actual joiner letter (or email) members receive from us will be tailored based on their eligibility criteria, and the tax relief method their employer has chosen. For example, this sample letter is based on a member whose pension is taxed based on the gross tax basis.
Romanian (Română)
Member booklet (Continuați către informații suplimentare) – Information about The People’s Pension
Your options at retirement booklet (Opțiunile dvs. la pensionare) – Retirement options when taking pension savings with B&CE
Security of your savings (Securitatea economiilor dumneavoastră) – Information on how your personal account and savings are kept secure
Joiner letter (net) (Bine ați venit la schema de pensie The People’s Pension!) – Sample letter for new members (with tax relief) when they’ve been automatically enrolled
Please note, the actual joiner letter (or email) members receive from us will be tailored based on their eligibility criteria, and the tax relief method their employer has chosen. For example, this sample letter is based on a member whose pension is taxed based on the net tax basis.
Joiner letter (gross) (Bine ați venit la schema de pensie The People’s Pension!) – Sample letter for new members when they’ve been automatically enrolled into The People’s Pension
Please note, the actual joiner letter (or email) members receive from us will be tailored based on their eligibility criteria, and the tax relief method their employer has chosen. For example, this sample letter is based on a member whose pension is taxed based on the gross tax basis.
Spanish (Español)
Member booklet (Más información aquí) – Information about The People’s Pension
Your options at retirement booklet (Sus opciones de jubilación) – Retirement options when taking pension savings with B&CE
Security of your savings (La seguridad de sus ahorros) – Information on how your personal account and savings are kept secure
Joiner letter (net) (¡Bienvenido a The People’s Pension!) – Sample letter for new members (with tax relief) when they’ve been automatically enrolled
Please note, the actual joiner letter (or email) members receive from us will be tailored based on their eligibility criteria, and the tax relief method their employer has chosen. For example, this sample letter is based on a member whose pension is taxed based on the net tax basis.
Joiner letter (gross) (¡Bienvenido a The People’s Pension!) – Sample letter for new members when they’ve been automatically enrolled into The People’s Pension
Please note, the actual joiner letter (or email) members receive from us will be tailored based on their eligibility criteria, and the tax relief method their employer has chosen. For example, this sample letter is based on a member whose pension is taxed based on the gross tax basis.