Every pension scheme charges its members and comparing them can be tricky. Charge types and amounts usually vary between providers, which can make a big impact on your savings. Even with the same charge type, providers often deduct different amounts.

Below you can find out how to check your current charges, and how to make sense of what they mean in order to compare them.

Providers and their charges

We’ve put together a list of some of the most common pension providers and the ways you can reach them to get a breakdown of their charges. We suggest you review your own pension policy information or contact your provider for the exact fees.

Different charges

We refer to our charge as the ‘annual management charge’ or ‘AMC’. Our pension consolidation calculator includes this and the ‘monthly’ charge’.

Below is a list of the most common charging structures that you should be aware of – although please bear in mind, there could be others as well.

We hope this helps you understand the types of charges different pension companies offer. If you’d still like to know more, the MoneyHelper website can help you go into further detail.

Impact of fund performance

Charges are of course only one of the things you need to think about when considering whether you’re getting good value for money from your pension scheme.

In our pension consolidation calculator, we assume all companies will invest your money and get exactly the same returns on that investment. This is to show the impact that charges have on how your money grows.

In reality, every pension provider will invest your money differently, and therefore will have a big impact on whether you’re better off keeping your money where it is or consolidating it.

While past performance is no guarantee of future results, if you compare the returns of the fund you’re investing in between one pension company and another, you might get a better picture of which company may be better at investing this money over the long term.  

Pension consolidation calculator

Use our calculator to see how combining pensions could save you on charges.

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Annual management charge

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