Employer and member charges
Our best price guarantee means members keep the lowest charges available to them
Employer charge
For an employer to set up a scheme with us there’s a one-off payment of £500 + VAT, which is reduced to £300 + VAT if they sign up through a business adviser (a financial adviser, accountant, bookkeeper, or payroll provider).
Once the account is set up, there are no ongoing fees for the employer.
When you register with us (for free), we’ll give you a discount charge code for you to use with your clients. You’ll also get an adviser account to help your clients sign up.
Best price guarantee
Sometimes, when people move jobs, they can end up with multiple policies with the same pension provider, all with different charges.
With us, if a member has an existing pot with us and re-joins the scheme through another employer, we’ll combine their savings into one and charge the lowest rate available to them.
We’re currently the only major pension provider offering this one pot – best price promise model.

Cost and Charges
Individual annual management charge (AMC)
Members pay an AMC made up of 3 elements – an annual charge, an ongoing management charge of 0.5% and a rebate on the management charge. The rebate level depends on how much is in their pension pot.
Our charge calculator shows what a member would typically pay in pounds and pence or as a percentage.
Scheme AMC levels
Discover how our rebate on the management charge reduces the average AMC at a member level on your client’s scheme.
Transaction costs
We’re transparent about the costs our members incur and the impact these have on the value of their savings – this goes as far as implicit transaction costs.
Our transaction cost tables show the pot values before and after costs and charges have been deducted for each of our funds as they change over time.
Value for member assesments
See how our webpage for employers about how we can help.
Ready to sign up?
Manage your clients’ accounts easily, there’s plenty of help along the way.
Still not sure?
See how we compare to other workplace pension providers.