How do I sign up to The People’s Pension and how long does it take?

It’s quick and easy to sign your company up to The People’s Pension on our website.

Register for The People’s Pension

Our ‘Quick guide to signing up with The People’s Pension’ tells you everything you need to know to get started.

Please see our guides on how to sign up:

How long does it take to set up an account?

If you’re just setting up one payroll, sign up takes around 30 minutes to complete. The Simply Comply route is the simplest and quickest option and will take around 20 minutes.

What information will I need?

To sign up, you’ll need the following information ready:

  • Employer’s name and address
  • Company Registration Number
  • Date of incorporation
  • Staging/duties start date
  • Total number of employees
  • Tax basis for pension contributions
  • Contribution levels and basis
  • Bank account details
  • Information about your payroll
  • Company type

Our sign-up checklist explains everything you’ll need ready.


We’ve a sign-up checklist to assist information gathering prior to signing up online.

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