Where do I send my Direct Debit instruction and proof to?

You can send your Direct Debit form along with proof of the bank account by email to kyc@peoplespartnership.co.uk though please note, emails are generally not considered a secure way of sending information. This could be a copy of a bank statement (dated within the last 3 months), void cheque or pre-printed paying in slip.

Or if you’d prefer to post them to us:

The People’s Pension
Manor Royal
West Sussex
RH10 9QP

We need to find out about the companies we conduct business with to satisfy anti-money laundering requirements. This includes checking the bank account that payments come from.

You might see this referred to as ‘know your customer’ or KYC.

We’ll keep your information safe.

We take the security of your personal information very seriously. You can learn more about our company’s data protection status by visiting the Information Commissioner’s Office website and entering our registration number: Z3295893. Our Privacy policy shows how we use any personal information we collect about you.

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