When the clocks go back, look to the future

Using the extra hour can make all the difference

Turn back time

Gone are the days when you had to use the end of British Summer Time to change the dials of every clock in your home. With everything now connected to the internet, this happens automatically. So what do you do with that extra hour instead?

29 October is not only the day the clocks go back, but it’s also National Pension Tracing Day. Running alongside the ‘Pay your pension some attention’ campaign, it’s a day when we’re encouraging everyone to give some thought to the pensions they may have left in the past. Use this poster with your employees to help raise awareness of their pension.

Help your employees track down a pension

To help you share the importance of tracking down old pension pots, we’ve created an email you can send to your employees. It talks about:

  • how to trace a lost pot
  • reasons to combine them
  • where to go for guidance and advice
Download email template
Download email template

An hour in bed or a brighter retirement?

Our research suggests that 1 in 5 people* may have lost touch with an old pension, so imagine the difference that finding a lost pot could have to your employees’ futures.

Here’s how your employees can spend that hour:

  1. Look back over their career and list the places they’ve worked.
  2. Dig out old paperwork and see if they were paying into a pension.
  3. Get in touch with the old pension provider.
  4. Check if combining their old pensions with their current provider is right for them.

Why finding lost pots matters for your business

What would an aging workforce mean for your business? If your employees can’t afford to retire, how will it make them feel in later life?

The financial wellbeing of employees is something that all businesses need to consider, not just in the current climate, but going into the future too.

It’s been suggested that there’s a clear link between money worries and physical and mental ill health. Together, we can help alleviate some of that worry by making sure employees stay connected with their pension savings, so that when it comes to retirement, they know exactly what they’ve got and how to access it.

So, why not encourage your staff to make the most of the extra hour this National Pension Tracking Day, and help them improve their chances of having the retirement they deserve.

Communications toolkit

Use our videos, flyers and templates to explain pensions to your employees.

Pension Awareness

We’re proud supporters of a campaign, coordinated by the Association of British Insurers and the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association.