Fund unit prices
Our fund unit prices change daily, affecting the number of units a member can purchase on a given date. Use the tool below to review the unit prices of all our funds.
How to use our tool
Compare the unit prices of all our funds over specific periods by selecting the start and end dates you’re interested in from the drop-down menu directly below. Select the download button below to save this data to a CSV file.
We are currently experiencing a delay with updating our fund unit table. We will be updating this table weekly whilst we resolve these delays.
Time period
Fund unit prices
No data found for date range
Fund name |
GI (up to 100% shares) |
GI (up to 85% shares) |
Cash |
GI (up to 60% shares) |
Ethical |
Pre-retirement |
Shariah |
Annuity fund |
Investment funds
Learn more about our 8 investment funds by visiting our member investment webpages.
Investment downloads
Download our latest investment reports, polices and factsheets.