How do I add or change my Direct Debit details?

To change your Direct Debit details, please download and complete a new Direct Debit mandate. One can be found in the ‘view documents’ section in Online Services.

This should be signed by an authorised person and emailed to Alternatively, you can post it to us at:

People’s Partnership – The People’s Pension, Manor Royal, Crawley, RH10 9QP

To activate the bank details, we’ll also need matching evidence of the bank details through either a copy of:

  • the company’s bank statement (dated within the last 3 months)
  • a void cheque
  • a pre-printed paying in slip.

The name of the Direct Debit mandate signatory is incorrect. Can this be changed?

Yes, send us a fresh Direct Debit with the correct signatory by following the previous steps.

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