What happens when an Eligible employee reaches State Pension age?

Once an employee is auto-enrolled with an Eligible status, their auto-enrolment status doesn’t change, even if they reach State Pension age, or their earnings drop. You should continue to use their Eligible status when you submit their employee data.

But if the employee stops active membership and then asks to join again (or leaves and then returns to your employment), they should be reassessed based on their age and earnings.

Errors during file upload

During file upload, you may see an error explaining you’re unable to change the enrolment status of your employee. To solve this, you should check both your payroll and the data file you’re uploading to make sure they contain:

  • the correct date of birth
  • the correct auto-enrolment status.

Then amend your data file or payroll settings and re-submit your data file to us.

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