When and how do I receive my joiner information and what information does it contain?

All new members of The People’s Pension receive joiner information. Your joiner information will be sent to you by email. If your employer hasn’t given us your email address, we’ll send your joiner information to you by post. Please see example joiner information.

If you haven’t received this information, this may be because your employer hasn’t yet sent over your enrolment details. You may wish to check with your employer when they’re due to enrol you.

It’s not unusual for a deduction to be taken from your wages before you receive your joiner information, as many payroll departments work in arrears.

When your employer does provide your information to us, you’ll be issued with joiner information from us either by post or email. This will contain all the details of your pension scheme.

Joiner information will include the following information:

  • Enrolment date
  • Contribution levels
  • Opt-out expiry date*
  • Information about how to opt out*
  • Personal login details informing you how you can access your account, online and within our app
  • Member’s booklet
  • FAQ document.

* Not applicable for contractually enrolled or bulk transfer members

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