What details do I need to know to take my pension pot online, and where can I find them?

When requesting to take your pension money online, you’ll need to answer a series of questions. You’ll also need to confirm you’ve read and understood the important information we’ve shared with you (such as the ‘Your options at retirement’ booklet) and if you’ve taken guidance and advice.

Some of the details you’ll need to know include:

  • How much your other pension pots are worth
  • Details of other pensions you’ve taken money from
  • Whether or not you’ve registered for lifetime allowance protection
  • Your bank account details

How much your other pension pots are worth

If you’re not sure how much your other pensions are worth, you’ll need to find out from your other pension providers.

If you’re not sure what other pensions you have, you can use the government website to find pension providers you might have had an account with in the past.

Trace your lost pension pots

Details of other pensions you’ve taken money from

If you’ve taken money from other pensions, you may be able to get the details you need from correspondence at the time.

If not, you’ll need to contact your other pension provider to find out.

Whether or not you’ve registered for lifetime allowance protection

Between 2006 and 2024, the lifetime allowance (LTA) limited the amount you could save into your pension scheme(s) and receive full tax benefits.

Prior to the 2023/24 tax year, any amount over the LTA was subject to a tax charge. Between 2012 and 2015, the LTA was cut several times. When it was introduced in 2006 and every time it’s been reduced, the government has allowed savers to ‘protect’ their pension at the level of the previous higher allowance if their pension savings were more than the new lower allowance. You may see this referred to as ‘LTA protection’ in general, or ‘enhanced protection’, ‘fixed protection’, or ‘primary protection’ in relation to specific LTA changes.

From 6 April 2023, the tax charge was removed, and from 6 April 2024 the LTA was abolished and new allowances came into effect. However, individuals can still keep entitlements to a higher allowance if they’ve previously obtained LTA protection. A financial adviser could help you understand your options with this, and you can find out more on the HMRC website.

Your bank account details

You’ll also need to provide details for the account you’d like your pension money paid into.

If you’d like your money paid into a bank account, you’ll need to provide:

  • the account holder name (your name as it appears on your bank card)
  • the account number
  • the account sort code.

If you’d like your money paid into a building society account, you’ll need to provide:

  • the building society roll number (as seen on your statement)
  • account number
  • account sort code.

You should be able to get these details from your statement, account card, online account or from correspondence with your building society or bank.

Get started

Once you’ve gathered these details, find out more about taking your savings online on our how to take your pension money webpage.

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