How do I access my pension pot online?

You can access your pension money online in your account.

Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a summary table for the ‘funds’ in your pot with The People’s Pension on the welcome page of your account. If you’re eligible to access your pension, you’ll see a blue ‘Take your money’ button within this table.

Click the ‘Taking your money’ button and answer all the questions to submit your request to take your money.

You’ll also need to confirm you’ve read and understood the important information we’ve shared with you (such as the ‘Your options at retirement’ booklet) and if you’ve taken guidance and advice.

How do I get to the welcome page?

You automatically land on the welcome page when you log into your account. To get back to the welcome page:

  • if you’re using a desktop computer, click on ‘Home’ or on the People’s Partnership logo in the top left-hand corner
  • if you’re using our app, select the ‘Home’ button to get back to the welcome page.

I can’t see the ‘Take your money’ button on the welcome page

You can only access your pension once you reached your normal minimum pension age. So, if you’re younger than this, you won’t be able to see the ‘Take your money’ button in your account.

However, if you’re suffering from ill health you may be able to access your pot earlier than your normal minimum pension age – find out more.

I’m having problems logging into my account

If you need help setting up or resetting your visit our webpage about accessing your account for more information.

We will never contact you out of the blue to ask for any of your personal or account information, such as your password or sign-in details.

Get started

When you’re ready, find out more about taking your savings through your account on our how to take your pension money webpage.


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