What isn’t my employer allowed to do under the automatic enrolment rules?

The auto-enrolment obligations are set out in legislation and The Pensions Regulator is responsible for ensuring that employers don’t break the law.
Employers mustn’t:

  • encourage or force you to opt out of the scheme
  • unfairly dismiss or discriminate against you for staying in a workplace pension scheme
  • imply someone’s more likely to get a job if they choose to opt out of the pension scheme
  • close a workplace pension scheme without auto-enrolling all members into another one
  • pay less than the minimum contributions required by law.

For more information or advice in relation to your auto-enrolment rights, go to the MoneyHelper website.

If you believe that your employer has failed to comply with these requirements, you can report this to The Pensions Regulator by using its whistleblowing service.

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