What’s the declaration of compliance?

The declaration of compliance is an online form that tells The Pensions Regulator what you’ve done to comply with your auto-enrolment duties. You should wait until you receive a letter from The Pensions Regulator, as you’ll need your letter code and PAYE reference first.

It must be sent to The Pensions Regulator within 5 months of your duties start date or the 3rd anniversary of your staging/duties start date, or you could be fined.

You’ll need to know:

  • your pension is an occupational pension scheme
  • the name of the scheme is The People’s Pension
  • the EPSR or employer pension scheme reference is your 5 or 6 digit account number with us
  • the pension scheme registry (PSR) number is 12005993
  • the scheme address is The People’s Pension, Manor Royal, Crawley, RH10 9QP.

You’ll also need to re-declare your compliance every 3 years – even if you have no one to re-enrol.

If you’re late complying or think you might be, you should let The Pensions Regulator know about it straight away or you may be fined.

How to complete the declaration of compliance

We can submit the form to The Pensions Regulator on your behalf so you’ve one less thing to do. It’s an option you can choose in your Online Services account once you’ve signed up.

Or you can choose to provide the declaration of compliance directly to The Pensions Regulator yourself if you’d prefer. Start your declaration of compliance on The Pensions Regulator’s website.

Our declaration of compliance checklist can help you complete this.

We’ve more than one account with you for the same business, do we have to complete more than one declaration of compliance?

No, you have to complete one declaration of compliance per pension scheme. All your accounts with The People’s Pension for the same organisation are classed as a single scheme.

If you’ve an account with another pension provider you’ll need to complete a separate declaration of compliance for the scheme held with the other provider.


Once you’ve completed the declaration of compliance, when you first sign up we can submit the form to The Pensions Regulator on your behalf so you’ve one less thing to do. It’s an option you can choose in your Online Services account once you’ve signed up.

Or you can choose to provide the declaration of compliance directly to The Pensions Regulator yourself if you’d prefer.

For re-enrolment, you’ll have to re-declare your compliance yourself to The Pensions Regulator – we can’t do that for you.


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