Can I manually enter my employee data?

Enter data is one of the ways of sending employee details and pension contributions to us. The alternative to this is to send us a file with your employee data.

It’s best suited to smaller businesses and it’s also ideal if you don’t use payroll software to manage your employees.

You simply manually type employees’ details into our system, and we’ll then suggest who needs to be put into the pension scheme and how much of a contribution should be deducted.

Is ‘enter data’ available to me?

Yes, schemes of any size can manually key in their employee data – and switch between that and file upload.

For more information see our guide manually entering employee data.

How do I switch to manually enter my employee data?

You can switch between the two using the ‘Guide & settings’ tab at the top of the enter date page.




From here, you can swap between ‘File upload’ and ‘Manual entry’.








For more information see our guide manually entering employee data  .

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