What are the Citi codes for your funds?


B&CE – The People’s Pension Cash 0.5% Pn GTR in GB KOVZ
B&CE – The People’s Pension Ethical 0.5% Pn GTR in GB KOVX
B&CE – The People’s Pension Global Investments up to 100 shares 0.5% Pn GTR in GB KOVT
B&CE – The People’s Pension Global Investments up to 60 shares 0.5% Pn GTR in GB KOVV
B&CE – The People’s Pension Global Investments up to 85 shares 0.5% Pn GTR in GB KOVU
B&CE – The People’s Pension Pre-Retirement 0.5% Pn GTR in GB KOVW
B&CE – The People’s Pension Shariah 0.5% Pn GTR in GB KOVY
B&CE – The People’s Pension Annuity 0.5% Pn GTR in GB NIOZ


Further information on our investment funds can be found on the Trustnet website.

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