How do I set up my account?

Your account is quick and easy to set up.

You’ll need the following:

  • Your customer number (found in any letter or email from us)
  • Your National Insurance number (found in your payslip)
  • Your personal email address and mobile number

As part of your account set up, we’ll ask you to create a password. You’ll need this every time you log in.

If you’d like a hand setting up your account, visit our webpage about accessing your account for more information.

If you’ve already set up your account in the past, you won’t be able to register again – instead, find out what to do if you’ve forgotten your log in details.

We’re unable to set up an account on your behalf.

Keep your password as safe as you would your online banking details.

We will never contact you out of the blue to ask for any of your personal or account information, such as your password or sign-in details.

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