Can I manage my account online?

You can manage your pension pot online by registering for an account. This will let you:

  1. move your other pension pots into The People’s Pension
  2. tell us how you’d like your pension to be used if you die before you’ve taken it
  3. tell us the age you plan to take your pension savings
  4. choose how to invest your pension savings (or we can do it for you)
  5. keep your contact details up to date.

If you need help setting up or resetting your account, visit our webpage about accessing your account for more information.

If you haven’t already, download our mobile app to manage your pension from anywhere. Visit your app store and search for The People’s Pension app.

We’ll never contact you out of the blue to ask for any of your personal or account information, such as your password or sign-in details.

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