Activate your account

If you’re a member of The People’s Pension, you can view your pension pot and contributions in
your account. Sign up today, it’s quick and easy to do and there are lots of benefits. You can:

  • Combine your pension pots online
  • Add or change your nominated beneficiary
  • Update your personal contact details
  • Choose how your pension pot is invested
  • View your annual statement.
  • Access exclusive member rewards

To sign up for your account you’ll need:

Your National Insurance (NI) number: You’ll find it on your payslip/P60, or by contacting your local tax office.

Your customer number: You’ll find your customer number on either your joiner email or letter.

Ready to register for your account?

Need time to find your NI number/customer

Give yourself some time to look for your details
and come back to register when you’re ready.