Picture your future self
Just as any journey begins with initial steps, the decisions you make with your pension now can impact the lifestyle you want to lead later in life. Start today to ensure your savings are ready when you retire.
Maintaining a consistent approach to your pension can ensure you’re well-prepared for the years ahead. That’s why we’re supporting Pay Your Pension Some Attention, offering top tips to help you take control of your retirement savings.
Join the hunt for lost pension treasures
Did you know it’s National Pension Tracing Day on Sunday 27 October? It’s the same day the clocks go back! With billions of pounds in unclaimed pension savings across the UK, we want you to join the hunt for your lost pots. That’s why we’re big advocates of National Pension Tracing Day, supporting savers to find their lost treasure.
So, when the clocks go back, use the extra hour to track down your old pensions – it’s much easier than using a treasure map.
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Simple steps to help you plan for a better retirement
Making a few small decisions can have a big impact on your retirement.
Find a lost pension
Nearly 1 in 5 people will lose track of at least one pension pot1. Track down your lost pension pots and keep tabs on them.
Once you have found your lost pension, you may wish to get advice before deciding what to do with it next. Transferring all your pensions into The People’s Pension could make keeping track of your money a whole lot easier.
Stay on track with your retirement plans
See how much money you may need and could have in retirement. It’s one of life’s big decisions, and needs to be thought about long before you reach retirement age.
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Your attention pays!
Discover how a few simple steps today can help lead to a secure retirement
Know your pension
Become pension savvy with insights, support and guidance.
Life expectancy calculator
Want a comfortable retirement? Take control of your pension by checking how many years you might be in retirement.
Financial wellbeing – for a pension in good health
Taking care of your financial wellbeing can increase your pension savings in the long term. It can also improve your peace of mind and outlook for the future. Support and information around financial wellness using tools, resources, and real-life scenarios can be found here to help you make the right decisions for yourself.
Pension Attention – small steps today, a better future tomorrow
We’re proud sponsors of the Pension Attention campaign to raise awareness around pension planning, helping individuals to make informed decisions for a secure financial future.
1 – peoplespartnership.co.uk/lost-pension-pots